You finished your article. Now what? How do I publish it and what do I have to pay attention to when doing so?
Add a matching image to your content. If you write about traveling, add pictures of you and your travels. If you write about i.e. the benefits of coffee consumption, add an image of a coffee.
Publications are platforms created by writers. Next to published articles, a little circular sign tends to show up: This is a publication. You can simply sign up by commenting on the publication information.
Once you are in and your writing is done you can add a publication of your choice. It will be shown on that platform. Check out this publication: Writers Fusion.
It’s important to synchronize the title/subtitle of your article and the display shown. We want congruency.
You can add topics (up to 5) so readers know what your story is about. It makes your writing easier to find and the algorithm pushes it. Add topics that relate to your niche.
You might make changes in more settings if needed.